
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Is Technology Changing Our Brains?

For my Ed Tech 537 class, we were asked to respond to this blogpost/question.

While technology hasn't changed the way our brains work, it has changed the way we work and live in the world.  Technology can help us to do our jobs quicker and more accurate than ever before. 

Technology is fantastic, but it isn't what teaches our students. Instead our students still need to be taught how to effectively use the different technology to learn. Technology helps us to give our students the world at their finger tips. By incorporating technology into the classroom our students now have access to information that they might not have had access to. They get to experience a whole new world that might not have been possible before. 

Students don't have to learn in the same boring way that we once had to learn. No lectures and taking notes while the teacher talks super fast. Students should not have to learn that way. They should be encouraged to take control of their learning. They can do this by using technology in the classroom. If students are taught how to successfully use technology that is around them everyday, they will be more proficient adults in the work force.  

Students' brains are the same as they always have been, but now they are adapting the way they interact and live to live in a world filled with technology all around them.


  1. Just curious, Stacie, because my a large part of my undergraduate work was in the area of child development and because I have also spent several years as a kindergarten teacher, have you found any technology / apps that teach concrete ideas really well. I still think children need that basic concrete understanding whether it is built with blocks, counting beans, etc. as a foundation.
    I do agree that our brains aren't necessarily changing, but our expectations of what we can and should be able to do are and so are those of our students.

    1. Some of them do, and some of them don't. I still think it is important to break into manipulatives everyday in Kindergarten, and even in the upper grades as well.

  2. Hi Stacie:

    I agree, our brains have not changed. They are more stimulated though!! My problem with incorporating technology thus far is the change piece which takes time as well as the hesitation to use technology when a lesson flops b/c the technology failed. Until it is fail safe at school, I can not always trust it. Pencil and paper always work and are plentifully available :) I think there needs to be a balance of both.

    1. I can completely relate to that! There is nothing worse than when your technology fails. Unless you are being evaluated by your administration and then your technology fails! Ugh! It can be rough, but a chance I have to take.
